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SMS Afkortingen

asap as soon as possible
bhm bekijk het maar
8bj 8.00 uur bij jou
16bm 16.00 uur bij mij
dnk dank
ff effe
ltr later
mzzl mazzel
00 ballen
to2wk tot over 2 weken
tb terugbellen
stb snel terugbellen
wstb waanzinnig stb
--? slaap je?
+1 meteen
4u 'for you', 'voor u' of 'voor jou'
r are
afaik as far as I know
atb atb
b4 before
bcnu be seeing you
thnq thank you
nething anything
2day today
wan2 want to
u you
wer r u where are you?
oic oh I see
pcm please call me
ru ok are you ok?
b be
bbl be back later
brb be right back
ttyl talk to you later
2moro tomorrow
wot what
werv u bin where have you been?
will spk 2u l8r will speak to you later
afaik as far as I know
bf boyfriend
btw by the way
cu see you
cya see you (see ya)
dtrt do the right thing
f2f face to face
fc fingers crossed
ftbomh from the bottom of my heart
fyi for your information
gal get a life
gf girl friend
h&k hugs and kisses
hagd have a good day
hagn have a good night
ic I see
imo in my opinion
iwalu I will always love you
jk just kidding
tnt till next time
thnx thanx
toy thinking of you
ttyl talk to you later
jmo just my opinion
jtlyk just to let you kow
kit keep in touch
koc kiss on cheek
kol kiss on lips
l8r later
lmxo laughing my socks off
lol laughing out loud
pita pain in the ass
qt cutie
snert snot-nosed egoistical rude teenager
sot short of time
swak sealed with a kiss
sys see you soon
syt sweet young thing
ta thanks (again)
tcoy take care of yourself
tilii tell it like it is
tgif thank god it's Friday
wtg way to go
ybs you'll be sorry
yw you're welcome
1ftr one for the road
2u to you
2u2 to you too
2nite tonight
*k* kiss
wysiwyg what you see is what you get
yafiygi you ask for it, you get it





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good things take time

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